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Ford, America’s truck leader, created an off-road icon in 2009 when it introduced the desert racing-inspired F-150 Raptor. It was designed to not only speed over rough terrain, but also to jump and catch air.
Senior leaders from Ford will discuss the fourth-quarter and full-year 2020 operating environment and the company’s financial results, which will be released this Thursday, during a fireside chat hosted by J.P. Morgan Securities auto analyst Ryan Brinkman.
So the story goes that a herd of goats came upon a colt in the mountains trapped under a rock. They rescue him, then raise him as their own, teaching him to navigate the craggy terrain and rough waters of the region.
In a community meeting today, Ford Motor Company revealed the site plan for Michigan Central, an inclusive, vibrant and walkable mobility innovation district in Corktown, Detroit’s oldest neighborhood.
Ford is continuing to streamline and transform its global business, making changes in how the company is organized and operates to deliver executional excellence that benefits customers and delivers sustained profitable growth.